It's almost time for the 2022 FIFA World Cup so get involved with our World Cup Predictor. We are raising funds for the Club, and you could be in with a chance of winning £50 for 1st place, £30 for 2nd place and £15 for 3rd place. There is also a £20 prize for correctly guessing the correct number of tournament goals.
All you need to do is predict the final standings in each group from 1st to 4th and then determine the teams for each of the knockout stages down to the eventual winner. There are 3 points for each correct guess in the group stage, 3 points for each correct team in the last 16, 4 points for each correct team in the quarter finals, 5 points for each correct team in the semi finals, 7 points for each correct team in the final and 10 points for the winner.
The closing date for entries is 17 November so get your completed forms in by then along with the entry fee. Completed forms can be sent to